Augusta Shrine Club Welcomes You

Augusta Shrine Club Address:
1826 Phinizy Rd.
Augusta GA 30906
Ph. 706-432-8792
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 5308
Augusta GA 30916-5308
Shriners Message
The Augusta Shrine club operates under the jurisdiction of the Alee Shrine Temple in Savannah, Georgia. As a fraternal organization we support Shriners hospitals for children throughout the world. Shriners hospitals provide research, education, orthopedic, burn, cleft lip and palate care and spinal cord injury care.
Shriners are a brotherhood of men committed to family, engaged in ongoing personal growth, and dedicated to providing care for children and families in need. Our backgrounds and interests are diverse, but we are bound together by our shared values and a desire to have fun and build relationships that can last a lifetime.
This web site is designed to educate you about some of the things we do and to let you know about some of the activities we participate in. Additionally, information is included reference our internal units such as the “Go Cart, golf, Clown units and our Roadrunners. The Roadrunners are the nobles that drive the children and their parents to their appointments at the Shriners Hospital for Children, traveling 1000’s of miles a year. These nobles donate their time and efforts to help the children.
Planning a wedding or private party or other events, see our link for information on renting the Shrine Club facilities (See layout pictures on Club Rental page). Thank you for visiting the Augusta Shrine Club web site. If we have omitted something, please contact us.
Stephen Edmunds
Our Mission
Raise Money in Support of Shriners Hospitals for Children
and have fun doing it.
Economic Development
Transforming Lives

What's Coming up Next
Stay in the Know
BOD Meeting

Club Business Meeting

Augusta Shrine Club Installation of Officers/Christmas Dinner

Hospital day, Greenville SC
February 5, 2025
February 12, 2025
Augusta Shrine Club Board of Directors will be meeting at 7:oo pm to changes to the By-Laws in preparation for submission to the body
Augusta Shrine Club Monthly meeting, Diner at 7:00pm, meeting at 8:00pm, if you are a Shriners, come by and join us for dinner and a meeting. Need a ride, reach out to a Brother Nobel. This month will be installation of officers for 2024. The meeting will be the installation of Officers for 2025.
March 8, 2025
This is a great time to see what the Hospitals are all about. We get a tour of the hospital, there will be a lunch and a presentation about Shrine Hospitals and Greenville specifics. Wroth the trip.
Welcome to Alee Shriners
Augusta Shrine Club is honored to welcome three new Shriners to our club.
Noble Charles Dargin, Noble Anthony Portis, and Noble Keith Mravlja. We look forward to guiding you through your Shrine experience
Looks like we have 3 folks to take to Greenville SC Shriners Hospital in March for Hospital Days. A great opportunity to see the interworking of our hospital to which Illustrious Sir Clyde Bowie is a member of the Board of Directors.
Proud to have a Hospital Board of Directors Member in our Club
Augusta Shrine Club is blessed to have a member, Illustrious Sir Clyde Bowie Past Potentate of Alee Shrine in 2018, who is a member of the Greenville Shriners Children's Board of Governors. They do fantastic work for their patients. Greenville is a world class medical provider and is also helping children from around the world. What great things we can do when we work together to improve the lives of the children regardless of their ability to pay. Do you know someone who could benefit from our services? Above is a list of medical services Greenville Shriners Children's is providing at this time. Keep in mind that our Roadrunners will take the patient and parents to the appointment if necessary.

Donations for Hospital or Club Operations are Welcome.
Your donations to Shriners Hospital for Children Greenville SC are tax deductible.
Donations made to Augusta Shrine Club are for cost of operations and help us to help the children are not tax deductible.
You can support our efforts to Share the Love with the Children by sending us a check. in the memo line please designate where you would like the money to go. If you choose to Support the Shrine Club helping us to take care of the children simply write Augusta Shrine Club on the memo line.
If the donation is to be directed to the Shriners Hospital for Children Greenville S.C., please write that on the memo line.
You can mail your donation to:
Augusta Shrine Club
PO Box 5308
Augusta GA 30916-5308